From time to time I like to start things from scratch, maybe because I get tired of doing/seeing the same thing over and over. This website is an example of this: my third reboot. But this time I mean it :-).

Old posts

I’ll add my old posts here but I need to adapt them to this new design. Some of them are outdated (or bad written) and will be trashed, but most of them will appear here in the future.


  • Design
    • Clearer - color scheme based on Solarized.
    • Modern - based on Bootstrap javascript framework.
    • Beautiful - my design and my layout, why would I think the opposite 😁.
  • Backend
    • Python, Jinja2, and Werkzeug. No changes here.
    • Github! Oh yes! Some scripts in my webhost will fetch my changes and apply it magically.
    • AUTO deployment!!!
  • Editor
    • VIM with macros and templates.
  • To do